Duplicated: Yoma: 47-53 – [#242]

Yoma 54-60 יומא נ“ד-ס‘ Friday, June 11, 2021 א‘ תמוז, תשפ“א From the Desk of Rabbi Yaakov Fisch Our Daf Yomi studies this week were primarily on topic with the Avoda on Yom Kippur with the Kohen Gadol. There was a precious nugget about the importance of Zion and the Land of Israel in our […]

Yoma: 47-53

Yoma 47-53 יומא מ“ז-נ“ג Friday, June 4, 2021 כ‘‘ה סיון, תשפ“א From the Desk of Rabbi Yaakov Fisch Our Daf Yomi studies has some interesting topics unrelated to the Yom Kippur Service. One topic is actually the central topic of this weeks parsha and the appreciation (or lack thereof) of the Jewish People for the […]

Duplicated: Yoma 33-39 – [#222]

Yoma 40-46 יומא ל”ג-ל“ט Friday, May 28, 2021 י‘‘ז סיון תשפ“א From the Desk of Rabbi Yaakov Fisch Our studies in the Daf Yomi this week pretty much stuck to the topic at hand, and that is the Avodah on Yom Kippur. There was an interesting comment that was uttered by the Talmudic Sage Rava […]

Yoma 33-39

Yoma 33-39 יומא ל”ג-ל“ט Friday, May 21, 2021 י‘ סיון תשפ“א From the Desk of Rabbi Yaakov Fisch One of the primary reasons we tell ourselves that we cannot spend more time studying Torah is because we are so busy. Our studies in the Daf Yomi address this in a head-on manner this week. The […]

Pesachim 104-110 – [#196] – [#203] – [#208]

Yoma 26-32 יומא כ“ו—ל“א Friday, May 14, 2021 ג‘ סיון תשפ“א From the Desk of Rabbi Yaakov Fisch The focus of our study in the Daf Yomi these days has been the Avoda in the Beis Hamikdash/Temple by the Kohen Gadol on Yom Kippur. There was great planning and detail that went into planning the […]

Pesachim 104-110 – [#196] – [#203]

Yoma 19-25 יומא י“ט-כ“ה Friday, May 7, 2021 כ“ה אייר תשפ“א From the Desk of Rabbi Yaakov Fisch It has been a while since I published the Daf Yomi newsletter. It takes an extraordinary amount of time to put together all the Daf content. I regret to say that since Pesach, I have just been […]

Pesachim 104-110 – [#196]

Pesachim 111-117 פסחים קי“א – קי“ז Friday, March 19, 2021 ו‘ ניסן תשפ“א From the Desk of Rabbi Yaakov Fisch It’s hard to believe that our journey of studying the Tractate of Pesachim is coming to a conclusion. It has been a most enjoyable experience delving into the sweet pages of the Talmud with all […]

Pesachim 104-110

Pesachim 104-110 פסחים ק“ד – ק“י Friday, March 12, 2021 כ“ח אדר תשפ“א From the Desk of Rabbi Yaakov Fisch As we enter the final stages of Maseches Pesachim, we are focusing on the core Mitzvos of the Seder night. We learned this week about many practices of the Seder including eating matzo, maror and […]

Pesachim 97-103

Pesachim 97 – 103 פסחים צ“ז – ק“ג Friday, March 5, 2021 כ“א אדר תשפ“א From the Desk of Rabbi Yaakov Fisch Much of Talmud’s study centers around the halachic debates that have little relevance in our daily lives. It is a special treat when we immerse ourselves in Talmud study that features Jewish life […]

Pesachim 83 – 89

Pesachim 83-89 פסחים פ“ג -פ“ט Friday, February 19, 2021 ז ‘אדר תשפ“א From the Desk of Rabbi Yaakov Fisch It was another exciting week of learning. I would especially like to thank Avi Smith for teaching the class a couple of mornings this week while I was away. There are so many layers of Talmudical […]